OK - The Black
Truth Blog
Colorado High
Park Fire Update
There's a real
nice radio with
video clip at
the end of this
story to cheer
you up after
reading this!
: )
Almost six
months. Seems
like yesterday
in many
respects. While
the topic of the
High Park Fire
has fallen to
little notice in
the news
anymore, and as
the holidays,
elections, and
storms and news
from across the
country take
precedence, the
aftermath of the
fire is still an
struggle for so
many here.
If you’re
wondering where
I’ve been, well,
lately I just
didn’t have it
in me to
Great progress
is definitely
being made, but
personally, I
think I hit the
wall emotionally
about four weeks
ago. So many
months of “stiff
upper lip,”
“keeping your
chin up,” “think
positive,” “be
grateful for
what you have
(believe me – I
am!),” “stay
strong,” “move
forward,” “what
a great attitude
you have!” and
“roll up your
sleeves and do
what needs to be
done” have
finally taken
their toll.
Yes, we will
make it. As Mike
said this week,
“We’re fighting
through it.” Ha!
Literally and
When every day
you must make
the decision to
ignore the
black, face the
black, clean up
the black, cry
about the black,
or somehow else
deal with the
eventually it
all adds up. And
I can’t even
imagine what my
fellow fire
survivors are
going through
who lost
Some of them
have sold out
and moved away,
some have
elsewhere “that
won’t burn,” as
one neighbor
said, some are
still sifting
and sorting
through the
ashes and debris
of their homes
and dealing with
companies, and
some appear to
have abandoned
it all. But
others are
with hopes and
dreams to put
this behind
Thank you so
much for your
support, and
prayers. The
company has come
through for us
wonderfully, and
now we’re in the
process of
stretching every
dollar. Each day
we have to
decide what to
cover, what to
put off, and
what likely
won’t happen
after all. I’m
also finding
there’s no way I
can run my
business, heal
the land, and
take care of
myself all at
the same time.
gotta give. It’s
overwhelming to
face it all, and
make all these
decisions, and
then feel guilty
I’m not bouncing
with joy, when
things could be
so much worse.
I think I’ve got
about half my
brain back now.
I’ve realized
I’m speaking in
sentences (which
reflect my
thoughts), and
will completely
lose track of
what I was
saying at all.
I’ll walk five
steps and have
to literally go
back to remember
what I was
doing. It’s
And this
is improvement
over three
months ago!
: )
I have little
patience, I’m
fried, and I
really, really
need to get
away. I live
with burnt trees
around me every
day, and so now
even when I’m in
a beautifully
un-burnt area
like Estes Park,
I still “see”
burn everywhere
in my mind. Not
good. This will
eventually, I
know it will.
Shopping for
clothes has not
been as fun as
I’d hoped. When
every kind
salesperson asks
me, “How are
you? Are you
everything you
want?,” I
struggle not to
burst into
tears, and have
to resist the
urge to say,
“No! I’m not
alright! And I
want my own
(name particular
favorite lost
item of
clothing) back,
and you don’t
have it!” So
selfish and
self-centered of
me, I know.
Warning – if
these days you
ask me, “How are
you doing?,” I
might tell you!
Sorry if I’ve
been crabby to
you, my dear
friends. Thank
you to those who
have been here
helping us out
when I have a
outburst. You’ve
been so kind…
Good days and
bad days.
Emotional ups
and downs. A
high point in
this last month
was our annual
Victorian Ball
in Estes Park on
November 17.
What a joy to
see all of you!
You lifted my
spirits and kept
me happily
distracted. It
wore me out, but
was worth every
Quite a few of
you have
concern for our
wellbeing. It is
appreciated. We
will make it,
but it’s been
rough going
lately. We’re
both too
stubborn to
cave, and we
know this is to
be expected
after what we’ve
been through.
Experts say it
can take a year
or more for
folks to “bounce
back” after a
disaster like
this. The whole
community was
affected in one
way or another.
Mike keeps
telling me to
cut myself slack
for not “getting
over it” yet.
He’s right.
We still need
help, on many
levels, and I’m
willing to admit
it. We need
physical help
with the land,
emotional help
when I’m
everything’s OK,
and spiritual
help with
prayers. Not
just for us, but
for our entire
community, as
Well, there you
have it. Perhaps
writing this is
my own therapy.
Hopefully this
will be a
turning point,
and I can start
to get it out of
my system. Trust
me, I hate this
part. I am so
grateful God
made me a person
of great hope
and with a
attitude, and I
know this is
only a temporary
season. I’m
looking forward
to when this
passes, because
Thanks again for
your love and
prayers. A
“normal” update
will follow
soon, full of
news and photos
and all the cool
things that
happening here.
Thanks for
listening, my
friends. You are
like a warm,
cozy blanket to
me. Just
understand if I
don’t feel like
being cheerful
right now, and
know it’s
Flashes of joy.
It will be
Carpe diem,
Sharon Guli
God is Good
Grace Hood, with
KUNC, has been
following us
since the
evacuation. She
came up to visit
us in early
October and
produced this
really nice
radio clip you
can listen to on
the internet,
with a video at
the bottom of
the article. I
hope you'll
listen to them
and enjoy! If
Mozilla Firefox
won't play the
audio and video
clips, it should
work on Internet
Here's a link to
the first story
she did on us,
too, right at
the beginning of
all this: