November 19, 2016 from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM

The Historic Crags Lodge

Estes Park, Colorado 

Thousands of people across the country are discovering the joy of dressing up Victorian-style and dancing the steps of generations past. Many of them are experiencing this for the first time with Sharon and Mike Guli, of River Crossing Inc. Sharon brings to each ballroom a pleasant and lively mix of both the old and the new -- historically-correct vintage pieces, simplified versions that are easier for modern, untrained folks, and a few contemporary selections that maintain the flavor and feel of Victorian times. During breaks in the music, she shares entertaining information on the history of the dances and the etiquette of this bygone era.

While trying to preserve this piece of our American past, Sharon keeps things relaxed with light banter, an eagerness to encourage the novice, and a clear, easy way of explaining the steps so all can understand and participate. While she leads from the stage, Mike moves among the dancers in his role of Floor Manager, helping folks get situated into the proper formations, finding partners for single ladies, and educating people on how to tell their right hand from their left. Together they have taught everything from barn dances to high society charity events across the country and in Europe.

Sharon and Mike are pleased to announce their twelfth annual HOLIDAY VICTORIAN BALL, to be held once again at the Historic Crags Lodge in beautiful Estes Park. While open to the novice, this dance is definitely tailored to the more serious vintage dancer (though not a stuffy affair!). Victorian or early Edwardian (pre-1910) evening attire is requested, and in accordance with Victorian etiquette manuals, all attendees are politely asked to please wear gloves that evening, including the men, so as not to soil the ladies’ fine garments. Men are also highly encouraged to gently yet boldly take part in their historic role by asking for the ladies’ hands on the dance floor, instead of taking the modern approach of waiting for the ladies to shyly or brazenly ask for that favor.

Most importantly, the dances that evening will be prompted and briefly reviewed, but not taught. This will better simulate the atmosphere of a Victorian ballroom of the 1800’s. Dances of the evening will include waltzes and set dances, such as The Knickerbocker Quadrille, Lady Walpole's Reel, and The Saratoga Lancers. In order to acquaint you with the easy steps of these particular set dances, free instructional classes are provided prior to the night of the ball, including a make-up class on the afternoon of November 19. Information is available regarding dance class locations and dates, as well as lodging information in the Estes Park area for out-of-town guests.

Sharon and Mike warmly invite you to join them for their HOLIDAY VICTORIAN BALL. While trying to bring a more vintage feel to the ball, this is not meant to be a museum-replica event. We may sometimes think that our Victorian ancestors were a very serious, controlled lot, but remember that they were real people too, with love and laughter and lightness as much a part of their lives as ours. Please join us as we celebrate the beginning of the 2016 holiday season with an evening of music, dance, friendship and laughter -- vintage-style!

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Tickets are priced at $37.00 per person. Please print the Ticket Form,  indicate which dance class or classes you plan to attend, make checks out to Guli Productions, and mail to P.O. Box 127, Bellvue, CO, 80512.  Below you will find links for directions, lodging and additional Holiday Victorian Ball information. Feel free to call us at 970-221-2992, or email us at

We hope to see you at the ball!

- Sharon & Mike


Invitation to the Ball Ticket Order Form Directions to Classes & Ball
Tips on Historical Ball Outfits Article on the Ball Lodging & Dinner Info