November 19, 2016 from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM
The Historic Crags Lodge, Estes Park, Colorado 
Click here for a printable version of this Ticket Order Form


NAME(S):       _______________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS:     _______________________________________________________________________
PHONE:         _______________________________________________________________________
EMAIL:           _______________________________________________________________________

Please attend at least one of the first two classes if at all possible, instead of waiting until the day of the ball. The last class is intended to be a “make-up” class for out-of-town guests or for those who absolutely cannot attend sooner, and a light review for everyone else.

1.  Circle which class or classes you will be attending (attend as many as you like; all are free):

     Sat, Nov.5 in Loveland    Sun, Nov. 7 in Westminster   Sat, Nov. 19 in Estes Park

2.  Are you interested in dinner at the Crags Lodge the night of the ball for an additional cost of $32 per person?:

     YES           NO            How many? _______ Please list any special dietary needs: ____________________________

3.  If not already listed, would you like to be added to the River Crossing email list, for notification of upcoming dances and activities?  

     YES           NO           If YES,  click here to subscribe. Your information will be kept private:  https://rivercrossinginc.tripod.com/linksubscribe.jpg


Please fill out the printable version of this form and return, along with your check made out to Guli Productions. Tickets cost $37.00 per person, plus the cost of your dinner if you wish to join us for the meal beforehand.

Please mail to Guli Productions, P.O. Box 127, Bellvue, CO  80512, and be sure to indicate which dance class or classes you plan to attend.

Click here for a printable version of this Ticket Order Form

Below you will find links for directions, lodging and additional Holiday Victorian Ball information. Feel free to call us at 970-221-4854, or email us at Events@GuliProductions.com.


Invitation to the Ball Ticket Order Form Directions to Classes & Ball
Tips on Historical Ball Outfits Article on the Ball Lodging & Dinner Info

We hope to see you at the ball!

-Sharon & Mike